This booklet was compiled by members of the Devon Family History Society in co-operation with the Devon Records Office. The booklet provides an extract of some information and further details may be obtained from the Devon Records Office. The lists which are indexed here were published half-yearly by Honiton Union and record the names of paupers who had been taken into the union workhouse in Honiton and those lived outside the workhouse, but were in receipt of poor relief. These lists survive for 1881/2 and 1884 – 1907. The paupers are listed by parish in alphabetical order of surname, first the parishes in the Honiton district of the Union and then the parishes in Ottery St Mary and Sidmouth district. Under each parish heading are listed first the people who had been moved to the workhouse and the number of days they had been there, and then those living outside, with the sums of money given to them. Those living outside the workhouse have been given a code number to indicate why they needed help: 1. means old age, 2. total disability, 3. sickness etc of family or funeral, 4. widows with families, 5. orphans living with relatives, and 6. insane persons and idiots. Apart from 1881/2, all the returns list paupers living in one of the parishes in Honiton Union but chargeable elsewhere. They received what was termed ‘non-resident relief’. The same code numbers have been given to these people as were used for those chargeable to Honiton Union. From 1891, the lists also include the names and parishes of paupers who were charged to the Union ‘lunatic account’ and the names of the pauper children who were in institutions for the blind or deaf and paid for by Honiton Union.