This booklet was compiled by members of the Devon Family History Society in co-operation with the Devon Records Office. The booklet provides an extract of some information and further details may be obtained from the Devon Records Office. Richard’s Endowed School for Boys was built in 1732. It was established according to the terms of the will of John Richards, a London merchant, who left £1,200 for the purchase of land, the income from which was to be used to build and maintain a free school to teach boys to read, write and draw up accounts. The school was rebuilt in the mid 19th century and placed under Government inspection in 1874. After the Education Act of 1902, it continued as a Voluntary Endowed School. There was a separate parish school in Silverton for girls, partly funded by an annuity of 50 shillings bequeathed by Richard Troyte to teach poor girls to read. After 1902 this became a Voluntary Church School for girls and infants. In April 1947 the older boys and girls (those over 11 years old) moved to Tiverton Senior School, Richards Endowed School was closed and the younger boys moved to the former girls and infants school, which became Silverton Primary School; it remained a Voluntary Church School. Few records have survived relating to the management of Richard’s Endowed School and the pupils who were taught there. The Devon Record Office holds an account book for building the school 1732-1737, 3359A/PE1, and papers relating to the school trust, 1898-1973, 3506A-1/PF30. There is also a log book dating from 1909 to 1947, 737C/EFL1, and the admissions register indexed here. The register was begun on 13th April 1874 by the headmaster, who noted that no admissions registers appeared to have been kept before that date. He began the book by entering the names of all the boys already at the school, but had to leave the admission dates blank as there was no record of when they had started at the school. There are columns in the register for the date of admission, the child’s name, his date of birth, the name and address of his parent or guardian, whether he was exempt from religious instruction, the name of the last school he attended and the standard he attained there, the class which he entered on admission, the years when he moved up a standard, his class on withdrawal from the school, his date of leaving and remarks. The amount of information entered in the register depends very much on the headmaster who made the entries.